Rebecca Frasier
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Rebecca Anne Frasier

We have been told by many that because of Rebecca, thier lives are forever changed! I am the first one to tell you this! My wife, Rebecca Anne, was and is and amazing woman of God! She followed where God lead us and did not let anyone stop us from following where we felt God was leading us. Only one time did she ever say she was not sure about doing something. (And this was because of outside sources telling her that she could not do this.) She only listened to outside people one time our entire life! The rest of the time, she would pray and jump in there with me as we followed God. 

Forgiveness was easy for Rebecca. She forgave me, and anyone else, quickly. She would never hold a grudge and would walk in love towards everyone! 

One of the greatest moments, besides having the eight children, was our adventure to Costa Rica. Through prayer and fasting, God led us there and we saw many lives changed and miracles take place. There is more we will do there, for God's callings have not stopped! Losing my wife is one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. John G. Lake said it was a "master stroke of the devil" when he lost his wife. I feel the same! The devil will not stop us from going forward but it has not been an easy step forward. But we know God has us and will continue to move through us.

One of the reasons why I bring up Costa Rica is because my wife fasted and prayed with me over this(as a matter of fact, this was her idea to fast five days.) We did and God gave her a word of prophesy one night in prayer. She said "I am going to make my chocolate." We have much down there we are going to do, but that is one of those things that God told us. When we do make it down there to make chocolate, we will name it somehow after her. (My kids will help me come up with a way to honor Rebecca with this.)

I received many text messages from people, after she had gone on to heaven, on how Rebecca helped shaped their lives. Some of the youth told me that the way she showed them love for her husband and love for God gave them hope for their future. Others from college days told me that they would not be following God if Rebecca had not been involved in showing them Jesus. Our kids have told me a few stories of how Mom helped them when Dad was being too harsh. (Not that often! ha!) 

One of my favorite moments was when we were leaving our bedroom after praying for an hour. Cayson was only two and came running in there as we opened the door. As we were coming out of the door, he spun around and tripped. He hit his head on the door jamb. I reached down quickly to pick him up and console him. Rebecca was behind me and instantly prayed for him. His face went from a screaming toddler to a joy filled peace in less than a second. He jumped out of my arms and went running and playing.

Another time when we were in Costa Rica and the we were riding a small boat. The waves were intense and everyone on the boat was getting scared and wimpering. My wife had all smiles and did not even bat an eye! The locals were scared, and they ride this boat all of the time! My wife was not!

Just one more for now, every child she birthed, all eight of them, she loved dearly and would have eight more if God allowed! She did not have an epediral the first two kids and that did not bother her, and never even stopped her, for she loved having children. She loved singing to them, feeding them, cuddling them and watching over them. She loved me with all of her heart but I think I was second when it came to her children, and I am okay with that! She would remind me most nights, if I forgot, that we need to pray over every one of our kids. 

She is missed greatly but I know she is loving heaven right now!